Reading and enjoying...
Reading has come in spurts since the middle of last year for me. If you’ve been around and following me for awhile, then you know I read a lot of books in 2018. I set a goal for myself and far surpassed it. It was a challenge that I welcomed and enjoyed because more reading means less time on the computer/phone and less time watching television. As you all know, a lot has happened this year and all of that has also taken my ability to focus on reading. I did listen to a few audiobooks earlier this year and found that much more enjoyable that sitting down and reading.
At some point, I just abandoned all of it and just kept up with my podcasts. Brené Brown’s podcast, Unlocking Us, has been a terrifying listen for me. I say that because I never know how it will land with me. Will I cry? Will I be angry? Will I be challenged? What will I do with what I learn? Ha. Mostly, I’ve really enjoyed listening and learning from her and her guests.
Last week, I listened to her episode with Sonia Renee Taylor and was floored. Just WOW.
“When we hear someone’s truth and it strikes some deep part of our humanity, our own hidden shames, it can be easy to recoil into silence. We struggle to hold the truths of others because we have so rarely had the experience of having our own truths held.”
I ended the podcast and bought the book and started reading right away on my Kindle. It. Is. So. Good.
Run, don’t walk. Go buy yourself a copy! More to come…